When you have a vital piece of electrical equipment out of order, it can throw your production and delivery schedules way off schedule … and cost you plenty!
We use only the finest parts and materials in the repair of your motors or other electrical equipment.
Trained service technician who is qualified to not only determine the cause of your problem, but also provide on-site repairs.
When you have a vital piece of electrical equipment out of order, it can throw your production and delivery schedules way off schedule ... and cost you plenty! That's when you want fast, expert service. Not next week ... not ``whenever we can work it in``... but NOW!
ABB Electric is a Member of: Electrical Apparatus Service Association, President of New Orleans Chapter 1982 - 1983 • Grain Elevator & Processing Society • American Welding Society, Incorporated. We additionally repair electric motors; single or three phase, AC or DC. All sizes to a capacity.
AAB Electric is here for you 24/7 365 for all service and maintenance needs. You're always as close as the nearest phone to complete full-service electrical equipment repairs. When you have a problem with a motor, generator, hoist, life truck, electrical control, or other piece of equipment, reach for the one tool that can repair it all.
We additionally repair electric motors; single or three phase, AC or DC. All sizes to a capacity. – CALL TODAY (504) 366-4010
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